Friday 31 May 2013

Angkor Wat

Nice hotel with a.c. and a pool to come back to after each temple outing, check. Two mountain bikes hired, check. New headtorches, check. Week passes purchased, check. Let's go.
With so many photos taken below is just some of my favourites.
Angkor Thom north gate

 Sunrise at Ankgor Thom south gate and moat
 A relief wall inside Angkor Wat
 Sunrise at the Bayon inside Angkor Thom
 Through doorway shot
 Sunset at East Mebon
 Elephant carving
 Relief on the leper wall
 Lou and an elephant at East Mebon
 The finest photographers assistant the Cambodian Riel can buy
 Baby macaque inside the walls of Angor Thom
 One of the trees reclaiming Ta Prohm back to the forest
 And again the forest pushes the temple aside
 The smell of incense was everywhere with offerings being made throughout the complex
So there it was probably my most anticipated bit of the trip, 3 days of early starts and late finishes and lots of photos for our trouble. It truly was an amazing place and worth cashing in every one of my temple visiting chips with Louise

Sunday 5 May 2013

Don Det

Relaxing at a lovely place on Don Det surrounded by water buffaloes...
 ...on land and in the water...
 ...we also made our way to the local temple to witness the cleaning of the buddhas...
 ...which everyone enjoyed with great enthusiasm...

...particularly the kids who collected the water after the cleansing to wash in and make themselves stronger...

 ...then there was also time for water fights...

 ...and to squeeze the last of the water from the cleaning table.. that was Lao, weird and wonderful in equal measure, next stop over the border into Cambodia.

Mekong Cycle

Day one the bridge out of Pakse...
 ...Buddha watching down over the people of Pakse...
 ...our guide Chris with a new friend...
 ...Lou on the beach at Don Daeng...
 ...where we spent our first night in a homestay... watching us getting our bikes ready for the ferry...
 ...leaving Don Daeng to head back onto the west bank of the river...
 ...Chris pointing out the landmarks to me as we sail...
 ...slumming it at our hotel in Champasak...
...climbing the steps up to Wat Phu...
 ...which had beautifully carved stone work...
 ...including this very cool elephant...
 ...even the monks wanted there photo taken here...
 ...then it was back onto the riding with some dodgy little bridges...
 ...a whole school of children to entertain while we fixed a puncture...
 ...another beautiful sunrise...
 ...and more cool children along the way...
 ...of course another puncture...
 ...but then a gorgeous sunset to make it all worthwhile...
 ...Lou waiting for her coffee to cool before another early start...
 ...sneaking over to Cambodia for an evening at a homestay to see Irrawaddy dolphins...
 ...and a trip down to see the sunken forest which is under upto 4 metres of water in the wet season...
...that was the end of the cycle and we ended up at the bottom of the 4000 islands for a couple of days on Don Det to rest and relax.