Tuesday 5 February 2013

So we landed for a couple of days in Singapore, a place we weren't sure about as we had had mixed comments from people we spoke to about it. First thing was welcome to the humidity of Asia 30 degrees and 70-80% humidity. We took a train and a walk down to the botanical gardens where we were quite suprised to see a 1.5m monitor lizard basking by the waters edge  
 Singapore itself is quite a weird place with enormous skyscapers climbing their way up between open green spaces which led to some great framing oppurtunities
 We also had our first introduction to the mix of old and new that was to become indicative of Asian cities. Points if you can see the  futuristic bad robot coming to stomp on the heritage of old Singapore 
 We also headed down into Chinatown where the year of the snake is almost upon us.
 Chinatown was a crazy place with every fake fashion item you could think of for sale, it truly never stopped no matter whether you did or not. Great for people watching with a cold beer
Singapore was a crazy place and not what we expected the old and crowded streets of Chinatown which were our favourite and Little India where in sharp contrast to the sterile sky reaching central business district, rounded off by the piece and tranquility of the Botanic gardens made it a great place to visit.

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