Friday 26 April 2013


Bus to Phonsavan, dusty, shrouded in smoke like all of  Northern Lao due to crop burning... to see the plain of jars...
 ...weird carved stone jars to refill travellers supplies...
 ...Lou decided to get in the photo to give a sense of scale...
 ...inside a very cool cave just near the jars...
 ...again Lou in the spotlight...
...possibly the best bit was learning about the work being done by UXO and MAG to attempt to rid the country of all the unexploded ordnance left after the relentless bombing carried out during the secret war. The more you learn about this country the more you realise just how badly it has been held back by the actions of its neighbours and other nations, when you consider that they proudly refer to themselves as the friendliest nation in SE Asia it is amazing when you hear what has happened.

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