Thursday 6 June 2013

Bukit Lawang-The six day trek

As promised here they are; Fiona, Lou, Catherine, Ajay, Claire, Nicky, Emma and of course me behind the camera. Look how clean and tidy we look, it wasn't to last...
 ...the enigmatic Bhunpendy (hopefully spelled right) ready to go...
 ...passing under Mina, who definitely wanted whatever food we had. Fortunately our calm and confident guides negotiated this situation with consummate ease (ahem...) one, cooking time...
 ...breakfast the next morning proved irresistible for this Macaque...
 ...the view for a lot of the trek...
 ...everybody except Lou who decided to wisely abstain after tripping flat on her face before we even left camp got a chance for a swing, with Bhunpendy(again sorry about the spelling) and Claire showing us how it's done...
 ...then me...
 ...and finally Ajay with a little style thrown in...
 ...Catherine taking a break...
 ...Dani having a breather as he fished in the cave...
 ...more fishing as we made our way along the river...
 ...and of course resting and smoking, smoking being something the guides and porters were world champions at...
 ...helping hands through one of the many river crossings...
 ...Fiona's special treat as she gets to be Princess for the day, much to Selamat's glee...
 ...practically one of the only wildlife spots of the trek, a deer at a watering hole. You have to look hard to see her...
 ...we did however see some cool smaller stuff with this tortoise being a fine example...
 ...on our last night the rain was even heavier than any of the other nights, Agus heroically fixing our camp during the rain...
 ...and not long after in the massively swollen river, Agus having a little bit of fun. It took him 3 walks back up and then trips down to finally get back out again on the right side...
 ...however the next morning for our tubing back to Bukit Lawang the weather was shaping up nicely...
 ...the sun had got his hat on and every one knew that there would be no more sleeping on rocks under tarps for the foreseeable future... with a bit of sunscreen applied...
 ...the last few photos taken, it was time to pack all our gear into waterproof bags and raft all the way back to Bukit Lwawang...
 ...and here we are, the whole group back at Bukit Lawang. It was a great six days with a great group of people.

Bukit Lawang-Feeding station and practice trek

So we made our way to Bukit Lawang, and stayed in a lovely place called Garden Inn, right on the water. We met up with our group and spent the evening getting acquainted...
...On the first day we headed into the park for feeding station and practice hike...
 ...almost immediately we saw a young Orang and his mum, he was a little shy...
 ...we only had a quick glimpse of a mother and baby at the feeding platform but as we carried on our walk we started to see more. The Gibbons being one of our favourites...
 ...followed closely by the Thomas Leaf monkey...
 ...but for cuteness and time spent you couldn't really beat this juvenile Orang...
 ...who after initial caution proceeded to spend some time with us...
 ...which enabled me to get some really nice shots... this time he was relaxed, positively posing for me... I said, posing... that was the first day, next post i'll actually introduce you to the other people in the group. But this day was all about the animals.

Lake Toba

So finally after months of planning my sister joined us...
 ...First stop Lake Toba in Sumatra and a lovely place called Tuk Tuk Timbal that had lovely puppies...
 ...and lovely kittens...
 ...the view over the lake from our hut was beautiful...
 ...On the first day we hired a couple of bikes and went for a bimble around the island...
 ...quite pleased at ourselves for getting to the top...
 ...where the view was spectacular, the rest of the ride was not photographically documented but lets just say it didn't go as well as planned, if you want to know what happened it's probably best that you buy us a beer before asking... after that we decided that it was probably best just to rest and relax by the water... that was what we did...
 ...for the next few days...
 ...we then sorted ourselves out with washing...
 ...enjoyed one last sunset and then got ready to leave lovely Lake Toba to head into the jungle