Thursday 6 June 2013

Lake Toba

So finally after months of planning my sister joined us...
 ...First stop Lake Toba in Sumatra and a lovely place called Tuk Tuk Timbal that had lovely puppies...
 ...and lovely kittens...
 ...the view over the lake from our hut was beautiful...
 ...On the first day we hired a couple of bikes and went for a bimble around the island...
 ...quite pleased at ourselves for getting to the top...
 ...where the view was spectacular, the rest of the ride was not photographically documented but lets just say it didn't go as well as planned, if you want to know what happened it's probably best that you buy us a beer before asking... after that we decided that it was probably best just to rest and relax by the water... that was what we did...
 ...for the next few days...
 ...we then sorted ourselves out with washing...
 ...enjoyed one last sunset and then got ready to leave lovely Lake Toba to head into the jungle

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